Monday, October 22, 2012

Dating Girl & Escort Agency

This is in almost complete contrast to the booking procedure an agency will try to impose on you. First of all, the typical London escort agency will of course praise their portfolio of escort girls regardless of suitability, as the agency's only interest in the matter is the sales commission it will in turn receive from the escort girl. A closed deal is money in the bank for the agency - simple as that! Hand on heart; how time consuming is it in this age of instant electronic communication to copy-paste a text and send almost identical introductory e-mails to 5 or even 10 independent escort ladies? The 5 minutes it requires will pay off handsomely as the replies come in and you will experience the luxury of choosing between several VIP escorts, who have already personally expressed their interest in meeting you. Furthermore - and this is the crucial point - booking through an agency you will not be able to communicate directly with any girl. Only at the last minute before a scheduled meeting - if even then - will you be given the means to communicate directly with you favored date. The agency staff will explain you that they are protecting the escort lady; preserving her anonymity or something along those lines. In reality the agency fears being cut out from the deal, if you are able to communicate directly with your favorite high class escort. You and the companion you have chosen could easily arrange things in between you without involving the agency staff and of course without paying the agency for its mediating role. Dating Girl Service is amazing and fun.